Here we are approaching the end of week 3. This has been a very wet spring, but at least we are inside. The trailer is parked, cleaned, and packed away for the months we are in the north-west. Repairs for the dropped parts will wait until the early fall. We have sorted through our clothes (again!) and picked the minimum that we need for the trip. Next comes the big job, packing everything into the truck and having necessities like food and a change of clothing accessible. Definitely not a Wendy job! We have debated taking the short-cut under Lake Superior. Going through the border with a well-loaded truck should be interesting, anyway! Daughter #3 (D3) is excited to see us, and we are eager to get there. Hopefully Monday is a good day to leave Ontario, 'cuz rain or no, we're outta here!
Monday may be a good day to leave Southern Ontario, but I don't think you're actually going to get out of this huge province that quickly!! (at least if you take the northern route....)