Monday, January 16, 2012


We're sick. Not sick of travelling. Not sick of seeing new places or people. Just sick.

Do you think this will slow us down? Well, maybe just a little. We hadn't been fully taken down by this miserable cold before we stopped in the regional park just outside a prison - which we're pretty sure is a maximum security. So we had only planned on staying two nights before moving on up the coast.

We even took a short drive to the waterfront to pick up fresh seafood and the local WiFi (which usually means McDonalds) after we parked.

But then, the bug caught up to us. Our two nights turned into four. We did a lot of resting and hydrating, and enjoyed the warm temperatures and sunny weather outside.

Feeling capable of small activities, we took the tour of Hearst Castle, and watched the elephant seals up the coast in their birthing rookerie. At least I know why they are called elephant seals: they are HUGE, and the males have a long proboscus that hangs down in front of their mouth when they roar. Kinda ruins the whole effect, I thought.

Our 4 nights extended to 6. We discovered a big hill behind us with a walking trail up and back that we could do in two hours. It gave us a nice view of our neighbors behind the tall walls. We also strolled the botany garden that's next to our park. The bikes have stayed in the truck and the canoe has yet to come off the top. That takes just a little more energy than we have right now.

I suspect our 6 nights will be 7 before we feel ready to tackle the road again. At that point it will be a quick run to Vallejo outside of San Francisco where my sister-in-law is expecting us. We have already booked space in a mobile home park where we can set up for the month. It is within walking distance of the family - uphill. Hopefully that will get us back in fighting, and travelling, shape.

Those little cold germs sure take a lot out of a person.


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