Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Fun in the Sun

So the next 7 days were spent re-shingling the roof, with one day off to visit the Orchid Expo in downtown San Francisco.

That was a fun day, and the flowers were spectacular. We saw thousands of orchids and some amazing displays in this long waterfront warehouse that had a wine bar inside at one end and a food court that offered wine and cheese at the other.

Wine just seems to be everywhere here in California. Costco has an entire corner devoted to it, it is sold in every grocery store, and it's available at most events. So even if I'm not under a palm tree on a beach, you can be sure that most evenings I have a wine glass in hand!

Can't complain about the weather here, for sure. The sun was out for the entire week we worked on the roof, and several of those days saw afternoon temperatures warm enough to make the shingles too soft to walk on. The day after the roof work was done it rained for a little more than 24 hours, just enough to test for leaks. And then the sun came out again. It's pretty easy to put up with these conditions.

The downside of so little rain means that the clay soil is rock hard. Not such a good thing when our next job was to level out the backyard below the retaining wall. The ground had to be dug up (occasionally with a pickax) to even out the slopes and dips before we could rake topsoil on it. Now the yard is prepared and all that is left is the spreading of grass seed.

But that will have to wait until next week. We have the opportunity to visit Death Valley National Park in the company of friends who have been there before and know how to camp in the desert. This will be a completely new adventure for us. No place to launch the canoe (we'll leave it behind) and bandanas that are used to keep the dust out of our mouths instead of bugs! We will be tenting for this trip - back to basics again after the luxury of a 34' trailer with a fridge, stove and IKEA mattress.

Wouldn't be good for us to get too soft.


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